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Testing Results of Radioactive Substances

印刷 文字を大きくして印刷 ページ番号:0041956 更新日:2019年6月29日更新

Environmental Radiation Monitoring results

Niigata Prefecture Environmental Radiation Monitoring System<外部リンク>

Click the pointer on the map and the radioactive testing result will be indicated.
Data is updated every minute.
Measured value may change depending on the monitoring post and climate. Monitoring units are shown in μSv/h. 1nGy is equal to 0.001μSv. Normal monitoring results of the regular monitoring posts around Niigata prefecture range between 0.016-0.16μSv/h.

Tap Water

Water suppliers carry out testing at each purification plant once a year to once a month in frequency. (Testing frequency varies depending on the testing point)
Currently there is neither radioactive cesium nor iodine detected in tap water in Niigata Prefecture.

Measurement standard based on the Food Sanitation Act (drinking water)
Radioactive Cesium 10 Bq/kg
Radioactive iodine No set measurement standard

Food products(which are sold at domestic market)

Daily regular testing is conducted in agricultural produce, livestock products, seafood and processed food. The latest results show that there are no items which exceed the measurement standard based on the Food Sanitation Act found in Niigata Prefecture.

Food Sanitation Act Measurement standard (general food)
Radioactive Cesium 100Bq/kg
Radioactive iodize No set measurement standard
Food Sanitation Act Measurement standard (milk and infant food products)
Radioactive Cesium 50 Bq/kg
Radioactive iodine No set measurement standard


  International Affairs Division,Niigata Prefectural Government
  Address: Shinko-cho 4-1, Chuo-ku, Niigata-shi, Niigata, 950-8570
  Phone:+81‐25-280-5098   Fax:+81-25-280-5126



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