Niigata's Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Industries
The “Niigata’s Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Industries” booklet was created to convey the statistical information of the prefecture's agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry and the direction of policies to the residents of the prefecture in an easy-to-understand manner.
Clicking on each title will open a PDF file.
- Introduction [PDFファイル/44.24MB]
- Agriculture in Niigata Prefecture (Rice Farming) [PDFファイル/11.92MB]
- Agriculture in Niigata Prefecture (Vegetables) [PDFファイル/24.47MB]
- Agriculture in Niigata Prefecture (Fruits, Flowering Plants) [PDFファイル/43.37MB]
- Agriculture in Niigata Prefecture (Livestock Industry) [PDFファイル/9.06MB]
- Forestry in Niigata Prefecture [PDFファイル/20.11MB]
- Fisheries industry in Niigata Prefecture [PDFファイル/37.57MB]
- How Niigata Prefecture is working towards improving the quality of agricultural products while preserving the environment/ How Niigata Prefecture is working hard to bring more of its agricultural, forestry and fisheries products to the world [PDFファイル/26.76MB]
- Overview of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Niigata, and Ranking of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Products by Prefecrure, Production Output, and Cultivation Area [PDFファイル/1.94MB]
- Organization of Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries [PDFファイル/19.51MB]
Agriculture Affairs Division, Niigata Prefectural Government
Address: Shinko-cho 4-1, Chuo-ku, Niigata-shi, Niigata, 950-8570
Phone:+81‐25-280-5288 Fax:+81-25-280-9452
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