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Greeting from the Governor

印刷 文字を大きくして印刷 ページ番号:0041957 更新日:2019年6月29日更新

Governor Hideyo Hanazumi

This is Hanazumi Hideyo, Governor of Niigata Prefecture.
I was inaugurated as Niigata's governor in June,2018.

My primary goal is to secure the safety and peace of mind of Niigata
Prefecture's citizens, while simultaneously creating a Niigata with vitality.

I am proud of all of our residents living in Niigata, and aim
to make the Prefecture a place that will appeal to many
more people both domestically and internationally.

  International Affairs Division,Niigata Prefectural Government
  Address: Shinko-cho 4-1, Chuo-ku, Niigata-shi, Niigata, 950-8570
  Phone:+81‐25-280-5098   Fax:+81-25-280-5126


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